Shopify Agency | E-Commerce Website Design & Development

Shopify Agency | E-Commerce Website Design & Development
Shopify Agency | E-Commerce Website Design & Development

Webunity is an award-winning Shopify agency with 5 years of experience and 80 experts, delivering superb web design, development, and ecommerce marketing to grow online businesses. They have a proven track record of successful Shopify web design projects for other clients.

Webunity offers the following Shopify services:

  • Full makeover of existing Shopify stores.
  • we create stunning and functional websites that drive results. we focus on delivering tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients.
  • Design and development of new Shopify stores from scratch.
  • We specialize in providing exceptional web development services.
  • We develop a simple and unique E-Commerce Website. we believes in connecting people around the world.
  • Focus and develop a solution.
  • We prioritize your needs, maintain transparent communication, and provide ongoing support to ensure your digital success.
  • Partner with us to experience the peace of mind that comes from working with a trusted service provider

Clients praise Webunity effectiveness as a Shopify agency, noting that their project was treated with the same level of attention as if it were the only one being managed. The team is described as patient, quick, and efficient in dealing with client requests and keeping them updated on progress.

A Shopify agency specializes in creating, managing, and optimizing e-commerce stores using the Shopify platform. These agencies offer a range of services tailored to help businesses succeed in the online marketplace. Here's an overview of the typical services provided by a Shopify agency:

Key Services Offered by Shopify Agencies

1. Store Setup and Customization:

Initial Setup: Helping businesses get started with Shopify, including account creation and basic configuration.

Theme Selection and Customization: Choosing and customizing a Shopify theme to match the brand's aesthetics and functionality requirements.

We develop a theme with a unique balance of design and functionality. Also, our experts will modify and continually improve your existing theme with Shopify Plus.

Custom Development: Creating unique features or functionalities through custom coding, often using Shopify's Liquid templating language.

Impress your customers by developing a feature-rich Shopify app with Shopify Plus. And get extensions like shipping gateway, payment gateway, promotion, and more.

2. Ongoing Support and Maintenance:

Technical Support: Providing ongoing technical support to resolve issues and ensure the store runs smoothly.

Updates and Upgrades: Keeping the store updated with the latest features and security patches.

3. Design and User Experience (UX):

Responsive Design: Ensuring the store looks and works well on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

User Interface (UI) Design: Crafting a visually appealing and user-friendly interface to enhance customer experience.

4. App Integrations:

Third-Party Apps: Integrating third-party applications to extend the functionality of the Shopify store, such as apps for customer service, marketing, analytics, and more.

Custom App Development: Creating bespoke apps to meet specific business needs.

Whether you're looking for a custom Shopify app to enhance your eCommerce store, or need an app to market on the Shopify platform, we've got you covered.

5. Product Management:

Product Listings: Adding and organizing products, including detailed descriptions, images, pricing, and variants.

Inventory Management: Setting up and managing inventory to keep track of stock levels and avoid overselling.

6. Analytics and Reporting:

Performance Tracking: Setting up and analyzing metrics to monitor store performance, sales, and customer behavior.

Reporting: Providing detailed reports to help businesses understand their performance and make informed decisions.

7. Marketing and SEO:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Implementing strategies to improve the store's visibility on search engines.

Want to know what’s the best way to reach your customers? Our marketing strategy service will help! From effectively giving you the lay of.

Email Marketing: Setting up and managing email campaigns to engage customers and drive sales.

Social Media Integration: Connecting the store with social media platforms to enhance marketing efforts.

Target, reach, and engage prospective customers on relevant social media channels with our social media marketing services.

8. Payment and Shipping Solutions:

Payment Gateway Integration: Setting up and configuring payment gateways to accept various payment methods.

Shipping Configuration: Establishing shipping options, rates, and methods to ensure smooth order fulfillment.

Benefits of Hiring a Shopify Agency

Expertise: Access to specialized knowledge and skills in e-commerce and the Shopify platform.

Shopify agencies have the expertise and knowledge required to build your site efficiently, saving you time and effort in the learning process. They can provide quick and efficient results, leveraging their team of developers and designers who are skilled in using Shopify's tools to optimize your site for mobile and overall performance. 

SEO Optimization and Marketing: Shopify agencies can optimize your store for search engines, drive more traffic, and boost sales through proven strategies that have worked for other businesses. They can help you take advantage of Shopify's features, from SEO to marketing automation, to ensure your store is well-optimized and equipped with everything needed for success.

Customization: Tailored solutions that align with the unique needs and goals of the business.

Scalability: Ability to scale the online store as the business grows, with support for new features and increased traffic.

Professional Design and Development: By hiring a Shopify agency, you gain access to professional designers and developers who can create custom designs, integrate features like drop shipping, and optimize your store for SEO, enhancing the overall user experience and driving more traffic to your site.

The benefits of hiring a Shopify agency include expertise, efficiency, professional design, standing out from the competition, SEO optimization, marketing support, specialized expertise, and ongoing support, all of which contribute to the success and growth of your e-commerce business.

Selecting the Right Shopify Agency

When choosing a Shopify agency, consider the following factors:

Experience and Portfolio: Look for agencies with a proven track record and a portfolio of successful Shopify stores. Look for agencies with a proven track record of successful Shopify projects and a deep understanding of the platform. Assess their expertise by checking for Shopify certifications and the ability to showcase previous work.

Client Reviews and Testimonials: Read reviews and testimonials to gauge the quality of work and client satisfaction with the agency's services. A reliable agency will have a portfolio showcasing their style and experience with businesses similar to yours.

Service Range: Ensure the agency offers the specific services you need for your business.

Communication and Support: Evaluate their communication style and the level of support they provide.

Select an agency that communicates effectively, provides regular updates, and understands your business goals to work collaboratively towards achieving them. They should be responsive to your inquiries and provide valuable insights based on their expertise.

In summary, 

Webunity is a top-rated Shopify agency with extensive experience, a talented team, and a track record of delivering successful Shopify web design and development projects that help grow online businesses.

By partnering with a reputable Shopify agency, businesses can leverage expert guidance to build and maintain a successful online store, ultimately driving growth and profitability in the e-commerce landscape.

Considering these factors such as expertise, services offered, client testimonials, support, pricing, communication, customization, integration capabilities, reputation, and additional services, you can make an informed decision when choosing the right Shopify agency for your e-commerce website. Conduct thorough research, request proposals, and communicate openly with potential agencies to find a reliable and experienced partner for your e-commerce venture.


Webunity are officially recognised Shopify experts. Our Shopify developers are some of the highest rated in the world. See our Shopify Expert service list below:

Need a help?

Our Shopify Plus Consulting services offer you a wide range of solutions for designing and developing online stores with SEO-relevant services


Prices are estimated based on complexity and how many pages are needed.